Thursday, May 28, 2009

You make me go craycray

Few thoughts in mind: I want Momo REALLY BAD. My sister's ruining it -_- My dad's pissed right now. George Lopez is hilarious. I hate sabre. I have incredibly bad eating habits. Cavs... no comment -_- Homework sucked today. I want Tuttimelon tomorrow, hopefully that comes through. Aj Rafael's Falling Slowly video is touching. I think I want a cotillion when I'm 18, but I doubt that will happen because I know my sister's gonna get mad cus she didn't have one.. &apparently that's unfair. I have a bad temper, and my boiling point is not very high. I need more self control. I'm so sleepy and just wanna brush my teeth and wash my face already.. but my dad just had to be cleaning my bathroom at 11 PM at night.. Great. Oh, and I have a math test tomorrow, and I'm scared. I'm breaking out to the max, I don't know why! My grandma's staying at my house for the weekend :) Sleepover at my house tomorrow, maybe? That's gonna be interesting. Haha. Oh whatever, I'm just gonna be aggressive and just brush my teeth! Nighty night!

I'm out.

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