The day started out pretty slow, but it was chill. After school was pretty fun. Went to tuttimelon, then dropped Dar off.. and it was hecka funny cus Brandon wanted to drive, then my sister drove, then.. I DROVE! LOL. Omg, I did not know what I was doing, but they wanted me to try it out for the first time.. hahah so I did. Pretty fun tho! I was super nervous tho, I felt like I was gonna die.. and my freakin sister and Brandon were screaming! I'll upload the video later from my sister's phone, whenever I get the chance, it's pretty darn funny. Then we went to the mall, and bought bk and a mother's day card.. it's soooo cute! =) Then, yeah! Fun day. I don't even have a lot of homework, yay me! But gotta work on that appreciation week present thooo ;]
I'm out.
dude that banana is gross&nice, i'm proud of you for driving:D haha